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Title IX and University policy protect pregnant or parenting students from discrimination in education programs and activities.

The University will try to ensure that you can continue participating in classes and extracurricular activities by providing you with reasonable adjustments to participate, excusing absences due to pregnancy and childbirth for as long as medically necessary, and allowing you to make up missed work.

Every student has different needs. Typical requests are for excused absences, larger or different types of desks, alternative methods of attendance, altered assignment due dates, and lactation breaks. Please contact Institutional Equity to discuss what you need to be academically successful while pregnant or parenting. 


Pregnancy-related disabilities

If you have a disability related to pregnancy (ex., hyperemesis gravidarum, or preeclampsia), please contact the Disability Resource Center.



There are resources available to you on campus and in the Lexington community. For a complete list, click here.


Accommodation requests related to pregnancy or parenting

Request a Pregnancy-Related Accommodation by submitting an accommodation request.


Campus Resources

Center for Support and Intervention (CSI)

Graduate and Family Housing


Health Care Resources

University Health Services (UHS)

UK Women’s Health Obstetrics and Gynecology

UK Midwife Clinic

Lexington- Fayette County Health Department

Bluegrass Health Center of Lexington, KY


Lactation on Campus

List of available lactation rooms


Resources for Parenting Students

One Parent Scholar House

Child Care Assistance Program

The Nest

Request a Pregnancy-Related Accommodation


  • If you have a pregnancy-related disability or limitation and would like to discuss appropriate accommodations, please click here.
